Estate Planning Attorney In Cincinnati
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Your Estate Plan
You’ve worked hard to build a good life for you and your family. So many people put off creating a will and planning an estate. The reality is that the only “perfect” will is the one that is actually done.
We know that estate planning sounds about as fun as a day at the dentist. That’s why our goal is to make the process of creating a will and planning an estate as simple, streamlined, and painless as possible. Let’s check this off your to-do list, shall we?

More Than Just A Will
A will is a great first step, but it’s not enough. A complete estate plan ensures that your assets go exactly where you want them to go while staying out of the public eye. We want to keep your family’s private financial information out of public records, to ensure your gifts go where you intend, and that your gifts get to their recipients swiftly.
When a will hasn’t been created, loved ones are left to guess where your assets should go. Estate planning takes all of the guesswork out of the process for you and your loved ones.

Are You In Need Of An Estate
Planning Attorney In Cincinnati ?
We work with Cincinnatians every day to take care of their legal needs.
If you need legal help, don’t wait.
The High Cost of Incomplete Planning
A will won’t protect your estate from the fees associated with probate court. Why would it? A will is designed to send all of your assets through the expensive and time-consuming probate process. It’s necessary to have one, but the more assets that can be removed from probate, the more assets actually reach who you want them to go to. When you choose an estate plan that just provides a will, you haven’t done enough to reduce the time or expense of probate.
Consider a typical family, the Hamiltons. They live in Cincinnati and are considering retirement in a few years. They have saved for their retirement and built a good nest egg for their golden years and hope to leave something to their children and grandchildren. The Hamiltons have a home worth $325,000, savings and investments worth another $250,000. Their cars and possessions are worth another $50,000. When the Hamiltons pass away, what’s the cost of probating their estate in Hamilton County, Ohio? Consider these two scenarios.
only a will
Total Assets: $625,000
Assets subject to probate: $625,000
Probate Administrator Fees: $17,500
Probate Attorney Fees: $20,000
Wait: 6-18+ months
Total: $37,500 in probate fees
a comprehensive estate plan
Total Assets: $625,000
Assets subject to probate: $0
Probate Administrator Fees: $0
Probate Attorney Fees: $0
Wait: None. Heirs receive immediately.
Total: $0 in probate fees
Source: Hamilton County Probate Court
At LinnLegal, we think that Probate Court is the last resort for how assets should be distributed. We help you move as much as possible through probate avoidance strategies that were previously only utilized by the ultra-wealthy. While an estate sits in probate, it generates costs beyond what is listed above. The administrator may need to pay for appraisers, insurance, taxes and mortgages, bonds and other expenses that eat up the money you worked so hard for. It doesn’t have to be that way.
All Families Welcome
You deserve an estate plan custom-made for your family’s needs. We work with clients as long as it takes to ensure all of their wishes are met. While online will services (and even some big law firms) offer a “fill in the blanks” estate plan, we see what they can miss.
Our clients choose to give to charitable causes, support their communities, and provide for their families. All of that happens with in-depth, personally-tailored estate planning.
There are no surprises here.
We want to earn your trust. That’s why we publish our upfront, transparent pricing. All of our pricing is a flat fee, based only on the complexity of your estate.
No hidden fees. No add-on charges. Just one flat fee for a thorough, customized estate plan.
Unsure Of Which Option
Is Best For You And Your Family?
We can help. Our goal is to find the plan to works best for you now and
in the future.